- Divisor is a number that divides into another without a remainder (i.e. a number modulo its divisor is 0).
Use the
operator to compute a modulo.
Challenge 2.1
Challenge Level: Growing experience
Write a program that asks the user to enter two numbers and displays a message saying if the second number is a divisor of the first number.
Your program should display the outputs in the table (shown on the right) for the given inputs provided.
operator to compute a modulo.# Print a string directly
print("Hello World!")
# Print a variable
# Set a variable as a string
fruit_name = "Apple"
# Set a variable as an integer
pieces_of_fruit = 7
# Set a variable from a calculation
cost_of_fruit = pieces_of_fruit * cost_per_item
# Add one to a value
pieces_of_fruit += 1
# Find out the discount on fruit
if pieces_of_fruit > 100:
print("Bulk discount applies")
elif pieces_of_fruit > 5:
print("Discount applies")
print("No discount")
# Print numbers 0-9 - remember Python starts counting from 0
for num in range(10):
# Print numbers 0-9 using a while loop and a variable
num = 0
while num < 10:
# Increment the variable by one.
# It will prevent an infinite loop!
num += 1
# Create a list of fruit
fruit = ["Apple", "Banana", "Orange", "Pear"]
# Create a function which prints a greeting
def greeting(name):
print("Hello " + name)
# Call the function
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