This is just one of many possible solutions:
The Button Sprites
when this sprite clicked insert forward at last of source code
when this sprite clicked insert backward at last of source code
when this sprite clicked insert turn left at last of source code
when this sprite clicked insert turn right at last of source code
when this sprite clicked broadcast go
when this sprite clicked broadcast home
when this sprite clicked delete last of source code
when this sprite clicked insert spin at last of source code
when this sprite clicked delete all of source code
The Sprites
when clicked set size to 30 % go to x: pick random -1 to 4 * 50 y: pick random -3 to 3 * 50
when I receive go set statement to 0 set source line to 1 repeat length of source code set statement to item source line of source code if statement = forward then if touching border ? then say Oh no! Missed it! Press "home" and then "clear" to try again. for 2 secs stop all else move 50 steps wait 0.5 secs else if statement = backward then if touching border ? then say Oh no! Missed it! Press "home" and then "clear" to try again. for 2 secs stop all else move -50 steps wait 0.5 secs else if statement = turn left then turn 90 degrees wait 0.5 secs else if statement = turn right then turn 90 degrees wait 0.5 secs else if statement = spin then repeat 20 turn 90 degrees change source line by 1 if touching Mouse ? then play sound meow say Gotcha! for 2 secs else say Oh no! Missed it! Press "home" and then "clear" to try again.
when clicked set size to 50 % go to x: 50 y: 0 point in direction 90 delete all of source code
when I receive home point in direction 90 go to x: 50 y: 0