Rotation of a triangle

Challenge Level: Beginner

Learning outcomes

Students will be able to:


Write a program that draws a triangle, starting from point x:0, y:0, with its each 3 sides equal to 100 steps. Your program must then draw triangles that are each rotated 15 degrees from the previous one, changing its colour every time it draws a new triangle.

Testing examples:

There are no testing examples for this challenge.



What it should look like

Click on the green flag to see the expected output of your program.

Recommended blocks
  • You may change the pen’s colour by a specified amount by using the changepencolorby10 block under the “pen” script.
  • You can speed up the drawing by selecting the turbo speed under the edit menu.

Show Scratch solution

Extra Challenge

Extra challenge #1: Edit your program so it the triangle rotates over and over (use a FOREVER block under the “control” script) for any given degrees entered by the user as the input.