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Challenge 1.2

Whakaaturia ngā Nama Tāhūrua (whakamahia tētahi taurangi)

Taumata Wero: Kākano


Waihangatia tētahi papatono ki te whakaatu i ngā nama 1, 2, 4, 8 me te 16 i runga i te mata, kotahi te nama ia wā. Kaua e whakaatu noa i te nama, rokirokia ki roto i tētahi taurangi, ā, whakaaturia te taurangi.

  • Hangaia tētahi taurangi, e kīia ana ko kaute_tongi panonitia tōna uara ki te 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 hoki. Tūturu me whai tikanga te ingoa o te taurangi, kia ngāwari ai te pānui mā tangata kē. I te tauira kei runga nei, ka tapaina te taurangi ko te kaute_tongi nā te mea ka mau te kaute o ngā tongi kei runga i tētahi kāri.
  • Whakamahia kaute_tongi = 0 ki te tautuhi i te uara mō tō taurangi hou. Mā tēnei waehere e whakatau ai te kaute_tongi ki te kore.
  • Mā te tauākī print() e āhei ai koe te whakaatu i ngā kōrero, ngā uara rānei o roto i ngā taiapa kei runga i te mata. Hei tauira: mā te print(100) e whakaatu ai te 100 i runga i te mata.
  • Me whakamahi e koe te tauākī print() mō ia nama e pīrangi ana koe ki te whakaatu.
Programming Reminders
# Print a string directly
print("Hello World!")

# Print a variable


# Set a variable as a string
fruit_name = "Apple"

# Set a variable as an integer 
pieces_of_fruit = 7

# Set a variable from a calculation
cost_of_fruit = pieces_of_fruit * cost_per_item

# Add one to a value
pieces_of_fruit += 1


# Find out the discount on fruit
if pieces_of_fruit > 100:
   print("Bulk discount applies")
elif pieces_of_fruit > 5:
   print("Discount applies")
   print("No discount")

For loops

# Print numbers 0-9 - remember Python starts counting from 0 
for num in range(10):

While loops

# Print numbers 0-9 using a while loop and a variable
num = 0
while num < 10:

    # Increment the variable by one.
    # It will prevent an infinite loop!
    num += 1 


# Create a list of fruit 
fruit = ["Apple", "Banana", "Orange", "Pear"]


# Create a function which prints a greeting
def greeting(name):
    print("Hello " + name)

# Call the function

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Challenge 2 of 21